procrastination \proh-cras-tuh-NAY-shuhn\, noun:
1. To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today."
-Mark Twain
AP Stats Fast Fact
Confidence Interval - How good you feel about taking a test :)
(Statistically speaking, though, The confidence level specifies the percentage of all possible samples that will produce an interval containing the true value of the population characteristic.)
The Study
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Our study centered around the following question:
"Is there a correlation between a person's music genre preferences, and their level of procrastination?"
We applied this study to the entire population of Junior at North
Olmsted High School. However, by conducting our study as such, our
results are only statistically appropriate to Juniors at the high
school, and not the entire school.
In order to conduct our study we randomly selected 40 students
from the Junior class at NOHS using the randomization feature of
Minitab. We then found out the person's first period room number (or
6/7 if the person went to Polaris). Once we had the students, we sent out a survey, which asked
the following questions:
1. On projects (any assignments lasting one week or
more), when do you start the assignment: (circle ONLY ONE):
1 - Right Away
2 - In a Timely Fashion
3 - The Night Before
4 - The morning of (before school)
5 - The Period Before
6 - Minutes Before
2. What genre of music do you listen to most
- Rock (Led Zeppelin)
- Emo (The Night Before)
- Hip-Hop & Rap (Ludacris)
- Pop (John Mayer)
- Country (Kenny Chesney)
- Death Metal (Slayer)
3. Who is your favorite artist from that genre?
When conducting our study, we used the following information:
Ho: The true average level of procrastination (based on the scale used in our study) is
homogeneous for all genres of music
Ha: The true average level of procrastination (based on the scale used in our study) is different
for all genres of music.
We also used an α (alpha)
of .05 in our study.
We performed a Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit test:
After performing our calculations, we can up with the following information:
- X2: 13.41379
- P-Value: 0.009147
- DF: 28
When calculating our Chi-Square test, we came up with the
following raw data, which we used to conduct our Chi-Square
Genre |
Average |
Expected |
Country |
4 |
3.625 |
Classical |
1 |
3.625 |
Death Metal |
2 |
3.625 |
Rock |
3 |
3.625 |
Emo |
1 |
3.625 |
Other |
6 |
3.625 |
Pop |
1 |
3.625 |
Rap |
8 |
3.625 |